Thursday, March 06, 2008

New Life

Today I was watching a documentary on women incarcerated at Riker's Prison in New York. The prison had decided to implement a horticulture program into their system. There were outdoor gardens where prisoners could come and learn about horticulture, grow fruits and vegetables, flowers, herbs, and even enter an internship when they were released to help them find jobs in this field. But what had begun as an attempt to reform these women, and simply equip them for life when they were released from prison turned into far more.

As these women began to watch the plants grow and saw the life that came from the earth, they began to report that they felt peace, love and even "closeness to God." They began to let go of the things they had done and that were done to them. They started to open up and talk about things they hadn't before. They felt such pride in causing things to grow rather than tearing things down.

One woman said she felt like God was telling her He was on her side when He allowed things to grow for her. She said it brought peace to see things bloom and ripen.

And as I watched the show, I immediately recognized God's power at work. I recently read a book by Staci Eldridge called Captivating. In the book, she describes the ways God speaks to us, a major way being through nature.

I can just see the smile on God's face as these women stopped to notice the beauty of His creation, and I can hear Him gently whisper Just look! I can make ALL things new!.

These women were reporting finding hope for their lives again, just in seeing pumpkins and strawberries and mint leaves grow. How amazing is our God!

They interviewed some of the women after they were released from prison, and they were saying they had never noticed all the beauty around them before they were incarcerated. Watching the growth that comes from the earth made them realize that they could grow and cause life to come forth instead of death.

God really spoke to me through this secular documentary. He is showing me that everything He creates is a life-giving, transforming truth--we need only watch and learn.


Anonymous said...

I really liked this entry. It's neat that a bunch of women in prison would notice God speaking to them through everyday stuff. I think He does that for everyone and we don't really pay attention. I wish I saw it more. He makes the fish jump for us. Love you!


Whitney said...

I know God sends us those jumping fish! I love 'em! I love you too!

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