Thursday, August 09, 2007

Summer of Romance

This has been the most amazing summer I've ever experienced. Sadly, I won't be able to put into words all the things God has done in me and is still doing. I think I last blogged about Consumed and some of the supernatural things that took place there. I saw the face of Jesus in a vision. I looked into His face and He looked at me with fierce longing and desire, and I will never be the same. In an instant I felt loved like I have never been before, and that love ignites love in me like I've never felt before.

The next week I went on vacation with my family. One night we listened to the CD of a prophet named Dutch Sheets regarding The Call which was going to take place in Nashville on 7/7/07. We cried and had our own little prayer meeting and I've since seen fruit of things that were broken and shifted that night.

Zack and I decided we would go to Nashville on July 7th, and we brought 11 other people with us. That weekend has stirred something in me that's hard to put into words. We re-covenanted with God for being unfaithful to Him. We remarried Him. The entire day was devoted to prayer, repentance, fasting, and romance. Romance? Yah. But it was the sweetest, most intimate thing. Here are some lyrics to one of the songs we sang that day taken from Song of Solomon: "No longer your master, but your husband I will be. You have ravished my heart with one glimpse of your eyes. How fair is your love, my promised, my bride." Those words make my heart melt in the cheesiest middle-schooler way. It was at The Call that I got a burden for abortion like I've never had before. Zack, Meghan and I stood in front of an abortion clinic a week later with life tape on our mouths as a silent cry for the unborn who have no voice.

The following week we left for El Salvador on a missions trip where almost 1,100 people gave their hearts to Christ. We've had some amazing youth services over the past few months too. God is really pouring out His Spirit. He keeps speaking things to me and stirring things in my heart.

I've recently picked up a book again that I hadn't finished reading called "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldridge. This book is amazing. It's so funny to me how God works. He's been reiterating certain verses and messages over and over again this summer to us and to Christians everywhere. For instance, things I prophesied at Consumed were spoken again and again at The Call and again on the mission trip and now I'm reading them in a whole new light in this book. I realize what God's been trying to do to me this summer. He's been romancing me.

Read this exerpt from the book: "Every song you love, every memory you cherish, every moment that has moved you to holy tears has been given to you from the One who has been pursuing you from your first beath in order to win your heart. God's version of flowers and chocolates and candlelight dinners comes in the form of sunsets and falling stars, moonlight on lakes and cricket symphonies; warm wind, swaying trees, lush gardens and fierce devotion. This romancing is immensely personal. It will be as if it has been scripted for your heart. He knows what takes your breath away, what makes your heart beat faster.We have missed many of His notes simply because we shut our hearts down in order to endure the pain of life." Wow. God has been wooing me since I was a little girl, and now, at 26, I'm just beginning to see it.

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