Friday, October 06, 2006


It's October. Halloween month. Lot's of spooky stuff going on. A lot of scary movies coming out in the theaters. Can I just tell you a secret? I don't like to be scared! And I am forever trying to figure out people who do. What the heck?! A few minutes ago I opened a perfectly innocent-looking email from a friend about trying to find the differences in the two pictures. So, here I sit, concentrating on these pictures, trying to find the differences in the two scenes, when all of a sudden this demon-looking creature with fangs and blood all over its face pops onto my screen screaming with this half-lion, half-ringwraith sound. Immediately I hide my face and try to block out the sounds, but I'm absolutley horrified. Like, shaking and a little weapy feeling. I have a slightly sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, even sitting here now. Could someone please tell me what is fun about that? I just don't see it. I don't ride roller coasters because I don't like that feeling that I'm going to die. I don't think scary movies are entertaining, and I don't go to haunted houses. Could someone please help me understand this phenomena? If you have any thoughts, comment me.


Meghan said...
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Meghan said...

I'm sorry for your hatred of all things scary, Whitney. I guess I'll stop scaring you like this. But it's honestly kinda' fun. You should try being the scarer sometime...instead of the scaree. Just a thought. But wait. I seem to remember a scary, snorting pig face coming at me in the shower as a child, making me so scared that I would cry and feel the urge to vomit. Hmm...funny. That pig face kinda' resembled you a bit. Any recollection of that? Yeah, that's what I thought...

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