Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Writer's Blog

So, every once in a while, I write a new post. It doesn't happen all that often anymore. A lot of times it's because I don't have time, but mostly it's because I haven't felt inspired in a while. Now, don't get me wrong, most of what I've written here on this blog wasn't birthed out of inspiration, but rather out of the guilt I feel when I hear my freshman creative writing teacher, Mrs. Saiid's words echoing in my head... "You have to write ALL the time, not just when you feel inspired!" That's where most of my posts come from...and the major reason when someone says they've been reading my blog, or more recently, have printed something off my blog, I feel slightly like I did in 2nd grade when my tight rolled pants would come undone as I ran across the playground: WAY more embarrassed than was necessary. So, to all of you who come here from time to time and read my stuff and think "Wow...was that incredibly boring and pointless, or am I just PMS-ing?" While the latter may be true, and feel free not to tell me if you are, I fear you may simply be accurate. And I have decided to just stop being embarrassed about this, and let you know that as an aspiring writer, it is important that I write not only when inspired, but in lieu of inspiration. That said, I think I may have just written an entire post about writing posts...I'm embarrassed already.


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Hey, Whitney! Welcome back :) I check from time to time and have missed you!

Did you really think the rest of us little bloggers are inspired to write our posts? There's no pressure, silly :) Have you read my blog??? Then you should know there's no requirement for literary quality!!

I hope you start enjoying posting regularly. And I'll enjoy reading them :)

So, how are you guys, anyway?

xo Lisa

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Ok - it's been two weeks. Time to post again. I'm your blog alarm :)

Anonymous said...

emm... 10x for thread!

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