Saturday, August 23, 2008

Talk about speaking something into being...

So, I may have been a tad melodramatic on my last post, but I think I must have spoken my "worst day" theory into's how the rest of my day played out: I decided to get over my pitty party and make a big dinner and try to get the house reasonably picked up (we're STILL unpacking!) so it would be nice for Zack when he got home. I went (you guessed it, down and up the stairs) to get Zack from school, and didn't stop to get gas because, you guessed it, we had no money! Well, I picked him up and, yup, ran out of gas on the way home! So, we had a big fight as we pushed the car to the gas station. He stopped to get the mail at the front of the apartments and I said I was going to walk home from there. About 10 (literally) steps afterward, the bottom fell out and it started to pour on me. So, then I had to get back in the car with Zack even though I was still mad, which totally meant I lost! I went home and got in the bath again to drown my sorrows. What a day! Now I'm practicing: today is going to be the best day ever!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

sorry you lost, whit. losing is waaaaay uncool.

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