Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm a lizard sunbathing in your radiance...

The title of this blog is a lyric from a really cool song by Brett Denen called Desert Sunrise. Brett has quickly become one of my new favorite artists, with his song "Blessed" being one of my special favs. Check out his myspace. You won't be sorry you did. And, no, I am in no way related to or paid by him or his affiliates.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I am not a fan of the lizard. After many unpleasant encounters with them, I am completely fed up with them actually! First one on my alarm clock...then one taking a ride on my windshield (and never flying off!)...then one INSIDE my car on the dashboard causing me to be late to work...then another in my passenger's seat causing me to be late to class!!! Not to mention the countless that scurry across the porch when I'm walking inside the house.
I hate them, Brett...I just hate them!

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