Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas Memories

Well, since I've been getting absolutely NO lOVE on my blog, I thought I'd do a more interactive post this time.

One of my favorite Christmas memories is driving to Palatka to see our family when I was little, and being so cold in the car on the way up because our heater didn't work in the car, and snuggling under this old blanket my dad got in Mexico in the backseat with my two sisters Meghan and Rachel, and singing Christmas carols on the way.

Please comment me with one of your favorite Christmas memories!! I'd love to hear them!!


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Whitney said...

That's a great memory!!! I love it!

Meghan said...

Yours was a good memory...yes.
But I especially loved the Christmas when I got my blue-green puppy bike--I remember that one like it was yesterday! Also the Christmas when Peyton was almost 2 and we spent Christmas morning just watching her act silly and roll around on Gigi's floor--yeah, that one was probably my favorite so far. My least favorite? You and I sleeping on Gigi's cold living room floor the night before Christmas--right beside the Christmas tree mind you! Now, we were entirely too old to still--or ever-- believe in Santa...but it still took the magic out of Christmas. But then you said let's sing "Cowboy Take Me Away" since we were kinda' bummed...and we LOVED that song...and the Dixie Chicks were still somewhat sane then...and then we felt better--or at least, I did. Aww, that's kind of a nice memory we made. Okay, that wasn't the worst. I redact that!

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