Sunday, June 13, 2010 say the least.

Today was crazy to say the least. Well, it actually started last night. Mr. Stoutimore is in Missouri running a marathon and visiting his Dad. My sister Meghan spent the night last night so she could come see the boys' last soccer games this morning.

She was sick to say the least. She was hacking-up-a-lung kind of sick. And so we all had a rough night of sleep. And because my bed is extra firm because of my back issues, she was less than comfortable and opted for the couch half-way through the night.

Life without my husband is hard to say the least. Single parenting is not for me, especially because my husband is THE MAN, and pretty much does every and anything that needs doing. Even so, I'm still pretty proud of the way I handled myself without him. Last night I: cooked dinner, washed and folded 4 loads of laundry, did dishes, changed sheets, bathed kids, brushed teeth, dressed kids, wrote thank-you notes to coaches, gave breathing treatments, packed bathing suits and towels and shin guards and soccer uniforms and shoes and clothes for afterward and water and snacks and sunscreen and video camera and lawn chairs and socks and underwear and a million other things boys have to have for Saturdays at the YMCA.

This morning came early to say the least. Got up, made breakfast, got the boys fed and ready, got myself ready, loaded up the van, gave breathing treatments, brushed teeth, and even made it to the soccer game at a reasonable time. Kaden's game was great. Then to the locker room to change, then to the pool to swim, snacks, back to the locker room to change, then back to the soccer field for Allen's game. Trophies, snacks, meltdowns, video, cupcakes, major sweating, load up the van again, back home to grab a few more things, then to my mom's house to eat lunch and go swimming some more.

Kaden throws up easily to say the least. And today was not a good day for it. And when I say he blew chunks in my mom's pool 3 times before I could get him out of the water, and a 4th time leaning over the edge of the pool, I mean he blew CHUNKS. And so I skimmed the pool for several hours. But we all just kept swimming nonetheless, which is both gross and funny. Hung out with the fam, ate dinner, bathed the boys, got them ready for bed, packed up my stuff, loaded it in the van, put the kids in the car, drove in the rain to our house while the boys slept, unloaded the van and the sleeping boys in the wet dark...BY MYSELF. Then, showered, facebooked, checked email and blogs, blogged, texted my hubby, and now, I can honestly say...

I am exhausted, to say the very least!! Good night all! :)


DJ said...

Sounds like your Superman husband has a Superwoman wife to be his life partner in heroism.


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

after reading that, now I'm tired, too . . . xo

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