Not only is he hot and sexy, not only is he the kind of man who ALWAYS does the dishes, and WANTS to give the kids a bath and read them stories and say prayers with them and scratch backs and sing them to sleep...
Not only does he work 4 jobs and go to school, and take the boys to soccer practice, and put gas in my car, and open doors for me, and cook amazing spaghetti and meatballs. Not only does he have the most integrity of anyone I've ever met. Not only does he pretty much always let me have my way...
Not only is he the most disciplined person I've ever met. Not only does he run marathons, and write sermons, and play every instrument, and call people he hasn't seen in forever because THEY need a friend, and sit on the edge of the bed every morning and pray while I snooze...
Not only does he eat peanut butter on his buttered toast, and put tobasco sauce on everything I cook. Not only is he an amazing teacher and coach. Not only is he the most creative, imaginative person in the world. Not only would he much rather DO something than GET something. Not only does he call me to tell me he loves me and misses me EVERY SINGLE DAY of our lives. Not only couldn't he care less about what he wears or what his hair looks like or vain things like that...
Not only THAT, but...he's crazy about me.
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