Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Developements...

New Job: Yup, it's true. I just got hired for my first official writing job, and to say I am excited would be a gross understatement. I am helping to write scripts for Wii and DS video games. After my first day when I came home with a DS and a few video games that I'm supposed to "research" as part of the job, my husband pretty much turned green with jealousy. It's sort-of funny that I'm one of the least interested people when it comes to video games...but I am interested in getting paid to write in a creative venue, and it's super fun so far. I just pitched some ideas to my boss for the All Star Cheer Squad sequal (the first one doesn't even come out until October, featuring yours truly as the voices of a couple characters=) We'll see what the boss thinks. I get to work from home, which is going to work out great with my second new developement:
New Family members: No, I'm not pregnant, but we are going to be expanding our family. Kaden and Allen are 2 and 4 (next month), and are currently staying with my cousins Natalie and Aaron. They were removed from their family for reasons too sad and lengthy to name here, but the good news is that they are most likely going to be moving in with us until the trial, at which point we find out if we'll be able to adopt them. We went to be fingerprinted and visit them this weekend. We took them to the beach and had such a fun time. They are the sweetest, cutest little angels in the world! We are both quite smitten, and left them Saturday with tears in our eyes. I'll post some pics here. Everyone please pray for God to protect these boys, and that justice would be done at the upcoming trial.

New Office Season 4 on DVD: What more can I say? There will SO be yet another office marathon, and I can guarantee there will be chocolate chip pancakes involved again. Michael's bizarre office conduct, Shrutisms, Jim and Pam as a couple, and , of course, their arch-nemesis, Ryan? What more could I ask for? It's just such a beautiful thing...I'm tearing up again.

New Apartment: Here are some pics from the balcony of our new apartment. Now you'll see why I call it the treehouse. Enjoy!

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